CRV Tapes India

Established in the city of Ludhiana, India, C.R.V. Tapes is engaged in the manufacturing of high quality elastics and narrow fabrics. The company products have wide applications in various industries such as Garment, Orthopedics, Footwear, Furnishings, Luggage, Safety Gears, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE’s) etc.

The company continually strives to offer the best narrow fabric value in the market. From the critical issues of human safety in automobile industry to the dynamic needs of fashion, we are your one stop destination for all your narrow fabric requirements. Excellent product quality, competitive pricing, unparalleled customer service, has enabled the company to be the preferred market leader across the globe.

The company is ready to meet the challenges of customization as per the customer specifications. The talented designers work hand in hand with efficient technicians for the creation of a wide variety of elastic tapes. If you have some good idea, our team will put them into action or think of some new discoveries right on the spot.

The company understands the value of time and service to customers. Strict adherence to delivery time is necessary for survival in this e-commerce era. All the demands of customers are met with enhanced quality of products within the stipulated time frame. Custom packaging options are also provided to the customers enhancing their satisfaction.

The company focuses on providing high quality customer services. The Sales team not only aims at satisfying the needs of the customers but constantly follow strict feedback mechanism which ensures maximum satisfaction to its customers.